
Psalms 73–106 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Even by the high standards of the Psalms, the poems contained in Books 3 and 4 (Psalms 73–106) are extraordinary in their insight and inspiration. They include memorable works by Asaph, the sons of Korah, and Moses and have laid the groundwork for many beloved hymns, including “Joy to the World!” and “Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven.” In this thoughtful, devotional commentary,...

where I was speaking. One of the other speakers was an older Scotsman who was famous for preaching with great eloquence and power. As the speakers gathered for prayer, I began by asking God to bless what we were going to do. Then the Scottish minister began, and I realized that above all else he was worshiping a great God with reverence and awe in his heart. His praying was brokenhearted, humble, and filled with gravity. I learned from that experience that in prayer we really are in the presence
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